목록English/ポップソング (133)
Chris Blog
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qN4ooNx77u0 Just stop your crying, It's a sign of the times, Welcome to the final show, Hope you're wearing your best clothes 泣くのはやめて、その時は来たんだ、最後のショーへようこそ、君が一番いい服を着ている事を願っているよ You can't bribe the door on your way to the sky, You look pretty good down here, But you ain't really good 空へ行く扉はお金で買いとることはできない、お前は大丈夫そうだね、だからといって本当に大丈夫なわけではないだろう。 We never learn, we've been..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dcbw4IEY5w I'm nothing special, in fact I'm a bit of a bore, If I tell a joke, you've probably heard it before 私は特別な子じゃない、実際ちょっと退屈なくらい、私が冗談を言っても多分どこかで聞いたことある話 But I have a talent, a wonderful thing, Cause everyone listens when I start to sing でも私には才能がある、素晴しい才能が、私が歌い出すとみんな耳を傾けてくれる I'm so grateful and proud, All I want is to sing it out loud 私はとてもありがたくて誇らしい、私がしたいこと..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvgZkm1xWPE I used to rule the world, Seas would rise when I gave the word, Now in the morning, I sleep alone, Sweep the streets I used to own 僕はかつて世界を支配していた、僕が言葉を発すると海はせり上がった、今は、朝に一人きりで眠る、自分のものだった道路を掃いている I used to roll the dice, Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes, 私はかつてさいころを転がしていた、敵の目には恐怖が映っていた Listen as the crowd would sing, Now the old king is dead, Long live th..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAyKJAtDNCw Another day has gone, I'm still all alone, How could this be, You're not here with me また一日が過ぎた、僕はまだ一人ぼっちだ、どうしてこうなってしまったのか、君は僕と一緒にいない You never said goodbye, Someone tell me why did you have to go and leave my world so cold 君はさよならを言わなかった、誰か教えてくれよ、なぜ君は行かなければならなかったのか Everyday I sit and ask myself how did love slip away, Something whispers in my ear and sa..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0MdP8KeAII Lay a whisper on my pillow, Leave the winter on the ground 私の枕に囁きを残して、大地には冬が残った I wake up lonely, There's air of silence in the bedroom and all around 一人で目覚めても、寝室にもその周りも静寂だけが漂う Touch me now, I close my eyes, And dream away 私に触れてほしい、私は目を閉じて夢の中に沈んでいく It must have been love, But it's over now, It must have been good, But I lost it somehow あれは愛だったはず、でももう終わ..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrgmdOz227I Yesterday, All my troubles seemed so far away, Now it looks as though they're here to stay, Oh, I believe in yesterday 昔は、悩みなんて遥か遠くにいたのに、今はこんなに近くにある、昔はよかった Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be, There's a shadow hanging over me, Oh, yesterday came suddenly 突然に、かつての自分の半分にも満たない男になってしまった、影が僕を覆いつくしているんだ、昨日は突然やってきた Why she had to go, I don't know she ..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8gmARGvPlI Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, But the very next day you gave it away, This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special 去年のクリスマス、僕はきみに愛を捧げたんだ、でも君は次の日にそれを捨ててしまった、今年は涙を流さないように、別の特別な人に捧げるよ Last Christmas, I gave you my heart, But the very next day you gave it away, This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special 去年..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moSFlvxnbgk The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, Not a footprint to be seen, A kingdom of isolation, And it looks like I'm the queen 今夜、山は雪で白く輝いている、足跡一つ残らない、孤立した王国、まるで私はその国の女王見たい The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside, Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I've tried 心の中を渦巻く嵐のように風がうなる、もう隠せない、私の努力を神様は知ってる Don't let them in, don't let them see, Be ..