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Chris Blog
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qdHE9-8spU I see a great deal of myself in you. あなたは私と似ているわ。 You can see beyond what people want and what they need, and you can choose for yourself. あなたは人々が何を求め何を必要としているかを見抜くことができ、自分のために決断することができる。 I don't think I'm like that. I.. 私はそうだとは思いません。私は… I couldn't do what you did to Nigel, Miranda. I couldn't do something like that. あなたがナイジェルにしたことは私にはできません、ミランダ。そんなことで..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qdHE9-8spU I see a great deal of myself in you. 넌 날 많이 닮은 것 같아. You can see beyond what people want and what they need, and you can choose for yourself. 너는 사람들이 원하는 것과 그들이 필요한 게 무엇인지 꿰뚫어 볼 수 있고 너는 너를 위한 선택을 할 수 있어. I don't think I'm like that. I.. 제가 그렇다고 생각하지 않아요. 저는.. I couldn't do what you did to Nigel, Miranda. I couldn't do something like that. 저는 당신이 나이젤에게 ..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I0vkKy504U If you're going to San Francisco, Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair もしサンフランシスコへ行くなら、髪に花を飾って行くといい If you're going to San Francisco, You're gonna meet some gentle people there もしサンフランシスコへ行くなら、心の優しい人たちと出会うだろう For those who come to San Francisco, Summertime will be a love-in there サンフランシスコにやって来る人たちのために、夏にはヒッピーの集会がある In the streets of San Francisco,..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I0vkKy504U If you're going to San Francisco, Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair 만약 샌프란시스코에 가게 되면, 머리에 꽃을 몇 개 꽂으세요 If you're going to San Francisco, You're gonna meet some gentle people there 만약 샌프란시스코에 가게 되면, 거기에서 친절한 사람들을 만날 거예요 For those who come to San Francisco, Summertime will be a love-in there 샌프란시스코에 오신 분들을 위해서, 여름에는 히피들의 집회가 열릴 거예요 In the streets ..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mw5VIEIvuMI Here comes a wave, Meant to wash me away, A tide that is taking me under 私を押し流そうとする波がやってくる、大波が私を連れて行こうとする Swallowing sand, Left with nothing to say, My voice drowned out in the thunder 砂を飲み込み、何も言わないまま、私の声は雷の中に消されてしまった But I won't cry, And I won't start to crumble, Whenever they try to shut me or cut me down でも私は泣かない、崩れ落ちたりなどしない、彼らが私を黙らせようと、傷付けようとしても I ..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mw5VIEIvuMI Here comes a wave, Meant to wash me away, A tide that is taking me under 나를 쓸어버리려는 파도가 밀려오네, 나를 아래로 끌어당기는 물살 Swallowing sand, Left with nothing to say, My voice drowned out in the thunder 모래를 삼키고, 아무 말도 못 하게 만들어, 내 목소리는 천둥소리에 묻혀버렸지 But I won't cry, And I won't start to crumble, Whenever they try to shut me or cut me down 하지만 난 울지 않을 거야, 난 무너지지 않을 거야, 그..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCuMWrfXG4E&t=10s Uptown girl, She's been living in her uptown world 上流社会のお嬢様、彼女は上品な世界で暮らしている I bet she never had a backstreet guy, I bet her mama never told her why, I'm gonna try for an uptown girl 裏通りの男と付き合ったことはないだろう、彼女のママはその理由を話したことなんてないだろう、僕は今度あの娘にアタックするんだ She's been living in her white bread world, As long as anyone with hot blood can, And now she's looking ..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCuMWrfXG4E&t=10s Uptown girl, She's been living in her uptown world 부잣집 아가씨, 그녀는 부자 동네에 살고 있어요 I bet she never had a backstreet guy, I bet her mama never told her why, I'm gonna try for an uptown girl 분명 가난한 뒷골목에 사는 남자는 만나본 적이 없을 거예요, 그녀의 엄마는 그 이유를 설명해주지 않았을 거구요, 나는 부잣집 아가씨와 사귀어 볼 거예요 She's been living in her white bread world, As long as anyone with hot blood ca..